New Pop-Up Garden at 19th and Walnut!

I passed by the scene of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society’s newest “pop-up garden” today on my lunch break. It’s occupying a large vacant lot quite near Rittenhouse Square. I snapped a photo of the HUGE pile of empty pots the volunteer planters had accumulated. Here’s hoping all the tender new plants survive the coming onslaught of 100-plus degree days!

In case you’re curious, I saw a lot of orange coreopsis, mostly. The garden is being sponsored by the Chipotle restaurant chain, and later there will be a large communal table and many-colored chairs. Like last year’s pop-up garden at 20th and Market–conveniently, right beneath our office windows!–it will utilize elements leftover and/or salvaged from the Flower Show.

I love, love, love these large-scale outdoor gardening projects. They make people think about the role of plants, they enliven the city, they cool things off, and they’re such a fun place to stroll over lunch on a summer’s day.